Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Do You Integrate Web 2.0 Tools into the Curriculum?

Many of our teachers are integrating wonderful applications and skills into teaching and learning. Is there a new tool you would like to share with us? Or perhaps, you would like more information on an application you have seen and want to know if anyone is using it. Share your thoughts.


  1. I currently teach Web Design and Microsoft Office Specialist certification and is using a blog to have students post their reflections on their projects. I am also attempting to use Adobe 9.0 to create a digital portfolio of my students work.


  2. Our school has a Wikispace for teachers to use with their classrooms. Each teacher has their own page and we have held PD sessions to help teachers build their own sites for class information, webquests, parent outreach, etc.

  3. I am using Gcast.com to publish student podcasts. The audio files are first created using GarageBand on our iMac computers. (PC users may want to download Audacity - it's free). Gcast.com is a great free website available to all. Recently, students in a Grade 3 class did a six week study of the Presidential Election Process. The students prepared a script for a debate with students role playing the various candidates. I had the students record their debate using Garageband. Afterwards we converted it to an
    mp3 file and uploaded it to Gcast.com. This was a great prep opportunity for their live debate which took place several days later. You can hear their debate at the following url:
