Monday, October 27, 2008

What Do You Want?

It is our hope that your school year is off to a great start and we hope that as you make plans for student success in and out of the classroom, we would like to know how we can assist you in achieving your goals. We want to know what topics you would like us to cover at the tech liaison meetings. Share your thoughts with us.


  1. I think it would be helpful if we had a share period each meeting where some tech liaisons could volunteer (in advance of the meeting) to share some student work that they think can be easily replicated by teachers in the classroom or tech teacher.

  2. I would like some MAC-specific tips and training.

  3. I think it would be helpful if at a future meeting we could discuss ordering technology items through FAMIS or other ways. I am always asked to find technology items, hardware. software etc. I cannot always find these on FAMIS and Im not sure how to go about ordering them other ways

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  5. I would like to receive tips or ideas on how classroom teaches can intergrate technology to their already busy schedules.

  6. if we can see the schedule of the meeting ahead of time, we could all probably be able to notify you of what we have to offer to a topic, such as today and how others were already using engrade.

    i would be nice to have a link of everybody's schools and emails to be able to collaborate more readily

  7. I would like to set up Windows group policy on a server, but need help learning how to do it.

    I would also like to know if we have a Tech Fair planned for this year. It's a great thing!

  8. It would be helpful to offer troubleshooting tips for MACS and PCs, installing printers to administrative and instructional networks, etc. The Help Desk is not always helpful and as tech. liaison I get stuck trying to do all of the above plus teach. Also, I need help ordering ordering hardware that is not always available or shows up on FAMIS.

  9. With the budget crunch the way that it is, I want to make smart purchases that can affect as many students as I can. We have Britannica and Bookflix as well as brainpop.
    Any other great-have to have sites?
    I am new to this position.
